Happy New Year!
We are looking forward to a wonderful 2019. While the calendar says January, Valentines Day is only four weeks away.
With that in mind, we have decided to continue our holiday offer through the month of February.
Buy 3 massages get the 4th free.
3 - 45 minute for $195
3 - 60minute for $255
3 - 90 minute for $330
We will also be partnering with Paragon flowers in St. Charles for a Valentine package of flowers and massage. Details to follow.
Be on the lookout for our next seminar coming in February. It will be part two of our series on low back pain. Time and date will be out very soon.
Many people ask me about medical massage and how that differs from regular massage. The simple answer is that all massage can have beneficial effects.
The more detailed answer is that there are very specific scientific reasons, methods and protocols why massage can heal the body. There is more study and practice involved with learning these protocols that make the medical massage practitioner stand out.
To that effect I am posting an article from The Science of Massage Institute Journal about the principals of medical massage written by Dr. Ross Turchaninov. Dr.Ross is the editor of the journal and has written several books regarding the field of medical massage. You will find many fascinating articles regarding health and medical massage in the journal.
I feel fortunate and have learned much through my training with Dr. Ross and will continue to do so. I hope to join the list of Certified Medical Massage Practitioners from SOMI in April.